Czech selection

The topic of the exhibition is the series of photographic portraits Czech Selection by Tamara Moyzes, who engaged local celebrities (actors, singers, TV presenters) in the role of mutilated victims of attacks motivated by racial intolerance and homophobia.

Photographers: Michal Šajmír, Dana Kolářová and Jarka Šnajberk


Lejla Abbasová

Moderator, former press officer to the Minister of national minorities Michael Kocáb.
Photo: Michal Šajmír

Unknown attackers resembling the followers of the skinhead movement attacked D.B., a citizen of Ghana, born 1976, in a tram between the stations Balabenka-Palmovka. Given the serious injuries she was taken to the Bulovka Hospital. The case was qualified as misdemeanor and later, the matter was requalified as a criminal act of defamation of nation, race and religion. The case was put off.

Ali Amiri

Doctor, singer, actor
Photo: Dana Kolářová

Two skinheads, J. S., born 1981, and P. Z., born 1979, attacked a student of The University of Economics H. E. A., born 1974 in Sudan, at half past two a.m. at a disco in Biskupcova street. They yelled racist slogans and threatened to kill him. The Sudanese hid at the student housing facility Jarov, where he was followed by P.Z. P.Z. caught up on H.E.A. on the ground of the housing facility and stabbed him twice in the stomach. The Sudanese student died of the injury. Another student’s arms sinews were cut. The Municipal Court in Prague sentenced P.Z. to 14 years imprisonment in a maximum security prison and J.S. to mandatory sentence of 7 and half months in a close security prison. They both appealed. P.Z. was sentenced by the High Court in Prague to 13 years imprisonment in a maximum security prison and J.S. to 7 and half months with a deferred period of three years in a close security prison.


Jarmila Balážová

Journalist, moderator, editor in chief of Roma monthly Romano Voďi
Photo: Jarka Šnajberková

On the night of 19 April fire starters attacked a house of a Roma family of nine in Vítkov near Opava. They threw three gasoline-filled flammable bottles into the house. The fire injured three people. The 33 year old J.S. and 27 year old A.S. suffered serious burns. The 2 year old N.S., who is still being treated at the burn recovery centre of the Ostrava hospital suffered burns of the second and third degree in 80% of the body and her condition remains grave. The police arrested twelve followers of extremist groups in relation to the attack. Four of them were imprisoned. The police accused four of attempted racially motivated murder. Some of them pleaded guilty.


Radoslav “Gipsy” Banga

Rapper, musician and singer
Photo: Jarka Šnajberková

P.K., a 22 year old racist skinhead attacked and brutally beat a 6 year old Roma boy R. R., who was playing in a local park. P.K. initially strangled him with his hands. Then carried the immobile boy into the building of a former tannery where he strangled him with electric wire and stabbed him with a glass splinter. The criminal was sentenced to 17 years imprisonment.


Robert Ferko

Moderator, editor of Czech Radio
Photo: Michal Šajmír

Three aggressors attacked Roma K.B around 2 a.m. near the club KD Sázava. One of the attackers stabbed him in the throat. K.B. died of the injury. The attacker was an employee of the Alma security agency. The District Court in Prague sentenced Z.Š., born 1972, for the crime of murder, to 11 years imprisonment in a maximum security prison. The Supreme Court confirmed the sentence in an appeal trial.


Aňa Geislerová

Photo: Michal Šajmír

M. Y. was attacked by three ultra-right extremists in Prague’s Jewish Quarter. The aggressors attacked M. Y. when she came in front of a kosher restaurant in Široká street and abused her verbally with racist slurs, hit her with their fists, kicked her and one of the attackers threw a cobblestone at her. The woman sought shelter in the restaurant; the staff confronted the attackers. The three extremists aged 21 and 23 were arrested by the police on their attempted escape in the Jewish Quarters.


Jan Musil

TV Host
Photo: Dana Kolářová

After leaving the Red Cat gay club in Brno, M.F. was attacked by three skinheads. They beat him with fists and kicked him. The attack was followed by homophobic verbal attacks. The young man managed to escape. The incident was reported to the police but classified not as homophobic hate crime but as non-specified street violence.


Tomio Okamura

Press officer of the Association of Czech Travel Agencies, businessman
Photo: Dana Kolářová

Brno police officer D.P. beat the Vietnamese H.S.L. during patrol of neighborhood disputes. The foreigner received several blows of the fist. He was later placed into a police cell where his condition deteriorated and the ambulance had to be called the following day. H.S.L. was transported to a hospital where he died. The attacker can be sentenced to up to 15 years imprisonment. Along with him, two other police officers, who witnessed the attack and did not take action against the attacker, are being pursued for malfeasance. They can be sentenced to imprisonment of six months up to three years.


Yemi A.D.

Dancer, moderator
Photo: Jarka Šnajberková

J. M., born 1971, mailed the citizen of Angola A.L., born 1968, at least two postcard in which he addressed the addressee as “subhuman – negro, fucking negro and nedger” and signed as Rudolf Hess. The text also read “look forward, you negro face, Sieg heil, Heil Hitler, all negroes are just feces of society, drop dead you black pig, death to all black swine”, etc. A week later, J.M. threw a petrol-filled bottle into A.L.’s apartment window. A.L. suffered burns on 15% of his body. The District Court sentenced the accused to a two year prison sentence deferred for five years. Based on the appeal of the district attorney, the Municipal Court ruled the District Court to reopen the case. The District Court than sentenced the accused to six months imprisonment in a prison with close security.




