Tamara Moyzes
27 11 (2013) – 12 01 (2014)
The Brno House of Arts

Photo: Michal Šajmír
Tamara Moyzes (1975) is a Slovak artist, curator and documentarist who lives and works in Prague. In her work she deals in particular with the situation of minorities, with xenophobia, racism, nationalism, the queer scene and conflict in the Middle East. The artist works in documentaries, videoart and new media. She creates fictional videos in which she often makes use of parody and irony. She is striving to break into the public space. She has devoted herself over the long term to the position of minorities, to xenophobia, racism and nationalism, for example in the Israel-Palestine conflict, to the Roma question, as well as to feminism and religion. Her husband the Israeli artist Shlomi Yaffe has collaborated with her on some projects. Tamara Moyzes is an acknowledged feminist. Together with Zuzana Štefková she founded the female artistic group “5th Column”, which organises events on the boundary between political art and activism. Curator: František Kowolowski
Photos: © Michaela Dvorřáková