SUPER MOM by Romane Kale Panthera


Romane Kale Panthera Groupe / Tamara Moyzes & Věra Duždová – Horváthová
SuperMom / SuperMáma
video 6.24min, posters, objects, 2014

European Roma art exhibition
Opening in Strasbourg May 7th, 2014

The medial story of “The Czech Quintuplets” in the Czech society shows the lack of basic human respect and the absence of moral values in the Czech Society such as respect and protection of family and children. It brings violence and causes limits of freedom to a family confronted with such hostility.

Parents of the first-ever Czech quintuplets were accused on the basis of the color of their skin and ethnicity by a xenophobic part of the Czech audience for getting too much support from the Czech State. One of the accusations also pointed out that in the past a Czech family having quadruplets didn’t get as much state support as the family of Alexandra Kiňová (mother of quintuplets)

We chose for our Prenatal Luxury Box six things that none of the Czech moms did get in the past. The content of the box is based on real facts. The whole Prenatal Luxury Box a mom of the Czech quintuplets Alexandra Kiňová got in reality.


